There is no such thing as „forever”

17 08 2009

Totul este trecator. Si oameni si lucruri si sentimente, tot. Este o lectie pe care o invatam de mici, insa atunci cand realitatea te plesneste, pare cel mai crud lucru. Si este… In mintea mea, dar mai ales in suflet, toti oamenii care ma inconjoara sunt nemuritori. Dar mai presus de dorintele mele este viata reala, cu ale sale „twists and turns”, care ma readuce cu picioarele pe pamant din cand in cand. Si cazatura este cateodata extrem de dureroasa. Inca ma mai dor vanataile de la ultima, e prea recenta…

I lost a friend, a good man. A man surrounded by people, a man who won countless battles, a man who always held his head high, despite the hard times. A man one liked for his positive state of mind, for his many qualities, for what he was. I can only guess he was needed in a much more beautiful place. But it’s such a shame he’s gone so soon and left behind nothing but emptiness.

I am honored to have met him, to have spent beautiful moments with him that I will cherish for the rest of my life. What’s left are just wonderful memories and a heart ache…

I hope from the bottom of my heart that you’ve found your peace and that wherever you are now, it’s a whole lot better…

nu este intamplator faptul ca am ales sa scriu o parte din acest post in engleza. exista in spate un motiv intemeiat.